Anxiety can be very debilitating and cause us to become overwhelmed, feeling like life is spiraling out of control. Fortunately, there is a range of great self-help books out there to give you some advice on how to deal with all the negative thoughts and emotions that accompany this condition. Here are 4 self- Help Books To Read
The first book on my list is 'Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy' by David D. Burns. In this powerful book, Burns outlines cognitive behaviour therapy techniques designed to help us challenge and overcome our irrational thought patterns and gain long term relief from our symptoms.
The second is 'The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook' by Edmund Bourne. As the title suggests, this book is a great guide to help us better understand our fears and anxieties, and strategies to manage our emotions and thought processes in more effective ways.
The fourth is 'The Anxiety Solution Series: A proven Program to overcome stress and fear for good' by Chloe Brotheridge. This helpful guide provides powerful tools and techniques to manage our anxieties and stresses, allowing us to be more productive and happy.
Finally, 'The Anxiety Toolkit' by Alice Boyes is a great choice to help us understand our anxieties and take practical actions to reduce them. It also contains some really useful strategies to help us cope in difficult situations.
There you have it, my top five self-help books for anxiety relief. I really hope you find some of these books useful. If you have any other resources you’d like to recommend, please drop me a comment. Until next time, take care.

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